Postsecondary Pathways
Increasing students’ preparation for, access to, and completion of postsecondary education in order to meet the region’s current and projected employment needs.
Cross-sector partnerships among K–12, higher education, and business are focused on articulating curriculum pathways that align to workforce needs in their geographic areas, both urban and rural. Higher education and K–12 systems work together to align courses and increase access, and improve students’ chances of success after graduation. Individualized education planning guides students, sometimes starting in middle school, to identify their interests and skills, select courses and internship experiences to explore different areas, and advance more deliberately from high school onward.
REL West assists these efforts by helping to develop data systems that can track students across sectors so that feedback on outcomes can be used to refine programs, and providing analytic support to programs that aim to increase student access to, persistence in, and completion of postsecondary education.